
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Hands on Fire Experiment!!!

  • Lucas : I predict that when we add the butane gas in the water with the dish washing liquid it will create a lather and when I scoop it up it and it is ignited I predict that it will light but my hand will not burn because the soap and water is protecting it and since there is very few amounts of butane gas that it won’t produce lots of heat.`

    Francis: I predict that when you add the three materials in the bowl, it will create some lather and when you place the bubbles in your hand in an even amount, when it is ignited i predict that either me or Lucas's hand will not burn as what fire does do to your hand, because the materials are protecting the fire from doing damage to your hand (or any other part of the body), and since you should be advised to put very few amount of butane gas in the bowl, it will create very little heat.

                               Reasoning for Experiment

The Dish washing liquid reacts with the so called chemical compound, and reacts in a way which the dish washing reacts with bubbles with it’s own substance, and reacts with the butane by expanding the bubbles. Once you have developed the specific compound you can lit the bubbles in your hand with a match, and when you light our hands,  it will  not burn because the soap and water is protecting it and since there is very few amounts of butane gas that it won’t produce lots of heat.

  • Pour water into a bowl and fill until full.
  • Pour a wise amount of dish washing liquid into the bowl containing water.(If you want more bubbles, more dish washing liquid.)
  • Get the butane gas and tip it upside down and let it release into the water containing dish washing liquid.
  • Dip your hand and act as if it is a bucket, and scoop a large amount of bubbles into your hand (Make sure to get your hand as wet as possible).
  • Get a lighter, and light the fire onto your hand containing the bubbles.
Lucas Q & Francis B


Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Molly's Courage through literacy

Molly's Courage through literacy

This term we have been learning about courage. in literacy we have been making definitions about what we think courage looks like. Also when we think we have showed courage or someone else what courage looks like! I have also listed some examples of courage too! you should go check it out!

Rique's Powtoon: Courage

Link to Powtoon on Youtube

This term we are learning about courage, and this is a powtoon I made to show what courage is. We decided to explore the concept of courage by reading specific books and articles about people who used courage, for example, we learned about Nelson Mandela and how he was treated before he became president. While in terrible conditions he used a lot of courage. Hope you enjoy!
Michael's Courage through Literacy slides.

Courage, By Ashton R

These are the slide that I wrote to explain to people what courage is and how it can been shown

Mia and Kiyara's courage!

Click here for the website!

This term Hub 5 has been exploring Courage, disposition and growth mindset. In literacy, we have been focused on deeply engaging with courage. We looked at storeys of people that have been courageous and reflected on our own courageous experiences and finally crafted this website . Here is our website, It explores many aspects of courage and how to use it. You should really check it out.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Make an effort

Have you ever had anybody pronounce your name incorrectly? Ever corrected them and had them not really care about making an effort to say it right?

Making an effort to pronounce words that we're not used to is SO important. It can be the difference between someone feeling worthless or valued, the difference between a language lost or a language revitalised!

Check out the strategies some of us in Hub 5 have used to make te reo Māori more accessible to everybody!

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Under My Bed - By Bar

Hi there! My name is Bar. I wrote this story for a writing extension task I had to complete. I came up with the idea for this story when I went to a special writing workshop, and they gave us some prompts to think about. I chose one of the prompts and changed it up a bit, and this is how I got this! So I hope you like it.

Under my bed. That’s where I found it. I have no idea how it got there, or what it could be used for, all I knew was that it was under my bed. And that’s not much information to go off since that is just a place. Maybe someone had placed it there? Why would someone place it under my bed? Possibly with the intention of me finding it. But if that was the case, why under my bed? Why not next to my school bag, or on my desk? Maybe someone dropped it. But who? Without thinking, I grabbed it. Why not? After all, it was under my bed.

Maybe it will help me get some treasure from a secret chest somewhere? Or maybe it will help me get into a room where there is super advanced technology from the future? I can only hope. Mum wasn’t home, so I couldn’t ask her, she was shopping at the supermarket. It did seem familiar, I just didn’t know where else I saw it. Maybe in a dream? A vision? Something that told me about this special object? No, probably not. As much as I know that I have seen it somewhere before, I knew it wasn’t from a dream.

I couldn’t wait for my mother to come home, so I started searching around the house for something I could use it on. But what? After searching for at least fifteen minutes for something to use it on, I found nothing.
“I know! It’s probably outside!” I decided. Then I realised there was a slight problem. The front door was locked. My mum usually leaves the door unlocked when I am home alone, but sometimes she accidentally locks it out of habit. This is probably one of those times.

As a joke, I slid the object in the direction of the front door.
Then I facepalmed.
Now I know how it got there. My mum had left it under my bed for me to use.

It was the key to my front door.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Ana's Explanation of the Pike River Mine Explosion

Pike River Mine

People make mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes can affect the lives of others; could be a matter of life and death. Taking risks can be necessary, so tragedy’s happen. Lives are lost thanks to bullets, knives, explosions, or natural disasters. Death can appear in a variety of ways and places; mining is one of them. A mine is an underground area containing valuable objects or natural minerals. When people go down to take the valuable objects it’s called mining. Sadly, sometimes mines also contain dangerous chemicals or explosives. That’s why the safety procedure exists.

Pike River is a coal mine whose workers suffered a terrible tragedy. It officially opened in 2009, 46 kilometers northeast of Greymouth in the West Coast region on the south island of New Zealand. Pike River Mine was owned by a company called Pike River Coal, however, the person in charge of the mine was Peter W. Whittall. As New Zealand's largest underground mine, they were expected to earn around NZ$170 million annually. What they didn’t know about the mine is how much methane it contained. Methane is a chemical compound with the formula CH4. It’s a form of natural gas. It is usually found at the bottom of the ocean or underground, and when it comes to the surface it is known as atmospheric methane. Atmospheric methane is very explosive is too much is in one place. To keep methane out of the mine, the safety procedure suggests a good quality ventilation system. No cigarettes or any type flame is allowed in the mine to prevent any unnecessary danger. If the safety procedure is ignored, everybody's lives are in danger. In Pike River MIne, both rules were broken. Inside were 31 people when an explosion destroyed Pike River Mine.

On Friday, 19 November 2010 at approximately 3:44pm the mine was destroyed, killing 29 people. Only two workers, Daniel Rockhouse and Russell Smith, who were near the entrance were able to leave with their lives. The moment the explosion happened the rescue teams rushed over to the mine, hoping that somebody is alive in there; however, their mission was canceled due to the possibility of more explosions happening. Another explosion happened on 24 November 2010, 2:37pm.  After this explosion, all hope of somebody surviving was lost. Soon after this two more explosions happened. The amount of methane found in the mine was so big, it was decided that nobody is allowed to enter the mine again. The bodies couldn’t be retrieved because of the possibility of more people dying; however, some families of the people who died believe it’s worth risking their lives to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones. Three robots with cameras have been sent into the mine. The mine was in terrible condition.

This is not a very common event, but it’s happened before. Including the Pike River Mine disaster, there has been a total of 211 recorded deaths caused by 9 separate explosions. Some of them couldn’t have been prevented, but this one could. If Pike River Coal followed the safety procedure, they could have prevented this tragedy. Some of their faults are inadequate methane drainage, non functioning gas sensors, flawed electrical and ventilation design and inaction on hazard warnings. After the families have given up hope of retrieving their loved ones bodies, they created a tag board showing the identification cards of the people who lost their lives at the explosion at a memorial service displayed on the first anniversary of the disaster, 19 November 2011. Now anyone can visit the tag board and remember the terrible disaster; hope that the people who lost their lives may rest in peace.

Goals for this writing taken from my first explanation around the Treaty of Waitangi:
  • More Information    ✓
  • More Detail            ✓
  • Better Description χ

Where I am achieving on the Matrix:
  • Impact: Level 4
Sometimes uses analogy, similes
or metaphors to enhance explanations
or arguments.

  • Ideas: Level 5+ ✓

  • Structure: Level 5 ✓
Links main and supporting ideas
within and between paragraphs
using a range of connectives.

  • Vocabulary & Language Features: Level 4
Effective use of adjectives and
adverbs. Use a chance of
explanatory language features, often

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Tweet it out!

LH5 learners getting straight into their problem solving with this collaborative challenge! #StonefieldsCollaborating